For Employers

For Employers

Hire Your Future Leaders at Clarkson University

At Clarkson University, we develop productive, mutually beneficial partnerships with companies to power innovation. 企业关系的发展有赖于我们最优秀的人才的聪明合作, 为公司和组织寻找推动业务发展的方法提供知识和资源, gain a competitive advantage and solve the world’s most pressing challenges.

学生是我们最大的资源——从他们在课堂上的动力到每个人的成就清单. Clarkson University primes all students for the workforce. Our approach starts with hands-on learning, 扩展到许多项目所需的实习和合作项目,并为本科生提供大量的研究机会. Throughout, Clarkson prioritizes problem-solving, critical thinking, communication and leadership, no matter a student’s major.

As you seek our leaders and problem-solvers for your organization, Clarkson University is excited to partner with you.

Become an Educational Partner

A partnership with Clarkson is a true partnership. We work across all areas of the University to deliver the best strategies, services and support, all of which are customized to meet our partners’ specific goals. Additionally, 我们的合作伙伴受益于esball国际平台客户端对企业关系的长期承诺.


Let’s Partner

有兴趣与esball国际平台客户端的专业合作伙伴关系或参加即将到来的招聘会或校园节目? 欲了解更多信息,请今天联系凯文81和安妮帕克职业中心.

Phone: 315-268-6477

Partnering with multiple industries, esball国际平台客户端开发了esball国际app和专业教育计划,推动成功的职业生涯,培养毕业生准备好满足当前和未来的市场需求. From master’s and PhD programs to certificates and professional development, Clarkson's exceptional coursework, 行业连接的教师和应用研究提供了无与伦比的投资回报.

使用创新的在线技术和现场学习在我们的地点在纽约首都地区, Potsdam and Beacon, Clarkson tailors coursework and curriculum to best support your company. Our programs are designed specifically to deliver practical, relevant and applied knowledge across industries. 我们还直接与公司合作,为专业教育制定最佳的财务方案和激励措施.

Complete Listing of Our Graduate Programs

Personal and Professional Development Opportunities

Whether your organization is looking for summer interns, co-op participants or full-time candidates, the Career Center is an eager partner. esball国际平台客户端的学生在市场上是与众不同的,因为他们通过大量的实践学习机会和在他们选择的学习领域的早期网络获得了扎实的信心. 作为学位要求的一部分,所有学生都必须有专业经验, which makes them top candidates for employers.

Contact the Career Center at 315-268- 6477 or at

我们是美国的企业合作大学:超越教育你的劳动力, 我们的研究为我们的行业合作伙伴带来新的进步和突破. Collaborating with us directly impacts your company’s performance: uncover solutions to real-world problems; contribute new ideas or solutions to existing problems; explore new methods of analysis and generate new, potentially beneficial intellectual property.

我们拥有标志性的研究成果组合,并有大量研究人员和学者致力于保护空气的健康世界解决方案, water and habitats; data and complex systems analytics; advanced materials development and next-generation healthcare technologies. 我们的研究人员跨学科和团队合作,寻求实用和可持续的创造性解决方案.

Contact Sponsored Research Services at

Clarkson’s Research Centers and Labs

Clarkson students are smart. 他们具有创新精神、创业精神、上进心、雄心勃勃,愿意拓展界限. But most importantly, they get things done.

这就是为什么我们的企业合作伙伴会找esball国际平台客户端的学生来实习, co-ops, jobs, research projects, design challenges and many other opportunities.

As a career-focused university, esball国际平台客户端不断为学生寻找与公司直接接触的机会, learn from industry experts and work on real projects. The benefits are obvious. For Clarkson students, the experiences are unmatched, and they graduate with on-the-job training, 对行业有深入的了解,对公司所做的工作有深刻的理解.


SPEED Program


Career Development and Internships

Honors Program

Special Topics Courses: Contact Corporate and Foundation Relations at or 315-268-3826.

The Clarkson alumni network — 46,000+ strong — defines our impact. From CEOs, 从世界上一些最大、最成功的公司的副总裁和高级管理人员到著名的工程师, scientists and entrepreneurs, Clarkson alums drive business, 行业和创新,同时保持大学与未来的联系.

我们的企业合作伙伴可以通过各种慈善机会进入这个广泛的网络, such as matching gifts, 通过公司和基金会的关系赞助活动和其他伙伴关系.

Are you a Clarkson alum? 了解更多esball国际平台客户端参与、建议和招聘的信息.

Contact Development and Alumni Relations at or 315-268-7718

Career Center Services for Partnering Employers

esball国际平台客户端职业中心合作,吸引和招募学生实习, co-ops and full-time positions. Learn more about all available services:

Advertising and Recruitment

首先在Handshake上发布实习、合作工作机会和职位空缺的广告. Amplify this through on-campus and virtual targeted recruitment for co-ops, internships, micro-internships and part-time and full-time employment opportunities.

Learning About Our University

We can provide you with class profile information and salary data, plus connect you with faculty, 员工和部门讨论招聘和协调学生的期望.

Branding and Sponsorships

Make sure our student body is familiar with your brand. Consider engaging through corporate-sponsored field trips, research, student projects and competitions. Connect with the Career Center to learn what is best for your company.

Connect With Students

Connect with our student body through networking events, career fairs, mock interview days, etiquette dinners and other opportunities like discovery sessions, lunch and learns, student group presentations, workshops and panels.

Partner With the Career Center

直接与esball国际平台客户端职业中心合作,参与我们的HireAKnight合作伙伴计划, or collaborate with us on co-branded badges for new-hire readiness, plus for developing summer and winter break programs.

Career Fairs

这个每年两次的活动吸引了150多名雇主与学生见面并建立联系, be it for internships and co-ops or their first entry-level job. Attesting to the success of this event, esball国际平台客户端约有40%的学生是通过招聘会第一次被介绍给他们未来的雇主的.

Learn More About Clarkson Career Fairs

HireAKnight Partner Program

Through this partnership, 雇主获得优先招聘服务,帮助提高他们在我们校园的知名度. 与此同时,他们还资助esball国际平台客户端学生的职业规划和其他机会.

Learn More About HireAKnight

How to Recruit With Clarkson

通过我们广泛的服务,我们可以根据您组织的具体需求量身定制. 我们为各种规模的公司提供选择,从初创公司到财富500强企业. Throughout the semester, we partner with employers to provide targeted marketing, candidate meetings and additional promotion on campus.

Review All Policies

查看我们对通过Handshake发布实习和合作公寓信息的要求. Find recommendations for getting to know and recruiting our students.

Post Your Position

Utilize Handshake to post your internships, co-ops and openings for entry-level and experienced positions.

Host a Discovery Session

Share more about your company’s history, impact and culture, 以及你所做的工作和你通过发现环节呈现的机会.

Reach Out

Email 更多地了解我们的学生,招募人才,成为终身合作伙伴!

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